

Welcome to my web page. Here you can find information about my way of working and the treatments I'm offering. If you have any questions or are interested in starting psychotherapy with me, please contact me:

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

The defining trait of depth-psychological psychotherapy, which includes psychodynamic psychotherapy, is a focus on the subconscious. Perhaps you have already had the experience of being stifled or burdened by certain feelings, thoughts, or behaviours. Changing these on one’s own is typically difficult.

The reason for this difficulty is that symptoms such as these play a subconscious role in one’s mental life. In therapy, we work together to uncover the subconscious meaning of these symptoms and to make fundamental changes possible.

“Once I recognize a crisis as a time of change, I already feel a little better.”

Romana Prinoth Fornwagner

(*1960) Italian archaeologist and prehistorian

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